Event Sourcing (ES)

Event Sourcing (ES)

Representing the application’s state through the history of events that have happened in the past. Use cases:

  • Audit Logs: Build tailored reports from the event stream.
  • Analytics: Extract behavior from the event stream.
  • Temporal Reports: Build the timeline that led to a certain state.

This is the opposite of regular applications where the final state is stored. In Event Sourced applications, the final state is called Materialized State. Whenever we need to obtain the current state we replay the logs until we reach the current state without replaying the side-effects. It is possible to keep both representation but that is complex and may become out-of-sync. Moreover, append-only operations are more efficient in databases.

Event1 -> Event2 -> Event3 ----> Materialized State

As events become the source of truth, it is of utmost importance that they are immutables.

Optimization through snapshots #

What happens if the list of events is too large? Solution: Ocasionally persist a snapshot and we replay the events from that point on (issue: We may receive an event out-of-order, invalidating the snapshot).

Versioning #

Issue when we have to change the event’s schema. This leads to ModelV1, ModelV2, etc. This requires supporting all versions. And requires flexibile formats: JSON, ProtoBuf or AkkA Event Adapters in the lightbend ecosystem that is between the system and the DB translating the V1, V2, VN to the corresponding and unique Domain entity.

Problems #

When we need to perform queries that involve several aggregate roots. Because entities need to be rebuilt from events everytime they are visited.

The model used to persist are not compatible with the model required during queries.

See Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) .